Our ship landed on Calypso on the western side of Eudoria in the early afternoon. There were quite a few other people in the arrivals area looking just as dazed as I felt. I realised we were all wearing orange jumpsuits and guessed this was the standard issue clothing. We weren't able to bring anything with us from Earth, so I had no baggage to worry about.
Checking through my pockets I realised I had a PED Card. It seemed to be empty though, so I'd have to start thinking about how to get some money. My family back on earth should be sending some through, but I have no idea how long that'll take.
After a brief wander around I discovered that I was in a place called Port Atlantis. There seemed to be a lot of people not really knowing what to do, me included. By coincidence, it seemed, it was just then that a woman, who's name escapes me, appeared and offered to show the new arrivals around. She explained there was a teleport system on Calypso that could transport you instantly to any other teleport terminal on the planet. The only catch was that you had to find the teleport terminals before you could transport to them.
Myself and a handful of other new arrivals followed the woman to the Port Atlantis teleport. This was the first teleport on my map, which wasn't going to be much use on it's own. The woman said we'd be heading out to Billy's Spaceship where there was another teleport. She gave clear instructions to stay behind her if we got attacked.
Did she say attacked? It hadn't occured to me that I'd be in danger so soon. It seems there's lots of native animals on this planet, most of which don't take too kindly to our presence. She assured us that the animals on the route we were travelling were mostly passive, so we shouldn't have too much to worry about. It came as a relief when I heard one of the other new arrivals saying there were revival terminals on this planet, and if you died you'd be instantly transported to the nearest one.
On the way to Billy's we encountered a bit of trouble, but nothing our leader couldn't easily handle. It seemed like such a long way, but looking at my map I realised we'd barely travelled far at all. Once we'd got the Billy's teleport on our maps we headed east towards Camp Phoenix. As we arrived at Phoenix our leader shared out the loot from the animals she'd killed on the way. At least I had a bit of money now, but not enough to buy anything. She bid us farewell, and left us as quickly as she'd arrived.
It's now early evening and I'm exhausted. Tomorrow will be the start of my first full day on Calypso, but I can't say I'm looking forward to it, in fact I'm feeling pretty scared. Did I do the right thing coming here?