Thursday, January 25, 2007

Buying and Selling

So I've decided to buy a Ghost armor set. This looks to me to be a good all round set which will help me out in team hunts against bigger creatures. I'll still hang on to my Shogun set for when I'm out on my own against the lesser creatures.

But, being pricey I had to liquidate some assets to buy it. I had a hunt through my storage and apartment and came up with some looted armor parts that seemed worth selling, and 500 PED of oils.

I tried to auction the lot, but without much success on the oils. I ended up TTing one lot and doing a private trade on another lot. Seems there's very little call for Animal Thyroid Gland Oil. Some of the armor parts have sold and some are still listed, so hopefully they'll go too.

In case you're wondering why I don't just TT oils, it's because I prefer them to be used by a crafter rather than being placed on the TT scrap heap (or wherever it is that stuff goes). It's not really about the money - it only goes for 101% at best.

So, anyway, with this new stack of cash I went off in search of Ghost armor. First there's the resellers that are ripping people off at TT+220 to TT+240. A quick look in auction reveals a full set of parts I can "buy now" for TT+200 - so why bother with a reseller at all? In the end I settled on Buzz Lightyear's store (after prodding him to restock). I got the full set for TT+190, so I'm pleased and hopefully he's pleased with the 190 PED :-)

And here I am showing off the new set in my apartment block.

The only thing left to do was pay the hefty 232 PED repair bill. But it's held in value in the armor, so that's not a big loss.

Roll on the weekend when I can go and use this new armor in anger!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A trip to the rig

I started out today looking around the shops for things to put in my apartment. It looks like Buz has a good selection of stuff in the Twin Peaks Mall, including complete sets of Ghost armor which I might need to investigate!

Whilst looking around I bumped in to two of the most well known characters on Calypso: Akoz and Neomaven. For those that don't know Akoz owns many land areas and Neomaven owns the Twin Peaks Mall that I saw them in. They were setting up a shop for an event of some sort - Akoz' Barber Shop.

It's nice to be around such skilled and wealthy people. Maybe one day I'll be admired like that (... day dreaming ...).

Later on I heard about an event going on at Camp Phoenix. It seemed some of the uber mind essence people were setting up wormholes to travel to the oil rig. This had been done before, but I'd always missed it. I headed straight over to Camp Phoenix to investigate.

On arrival it was chaos. There were so many people there that I could barely move, and I had no idea what was going on. Someone spotted the wormholes being created in the distance so I fired up my teleport chip and jumped over. After a few failed attempts I finally managed to get in the wormhole and arrived at the oil rig.

When I got there it wasn't much of a sight. The wormhole had dropped us right next to the rig itself, but other than us lot it seemed a bit empty. A few of us took a look at the rig itself:

There were some bodies littering the ground, so I suspected uber players were around somewhere. Then a lady in black came charging in and shot a guy in OJs right next to me (you can see her in the picture). I didn't think this was particularly nice, so I showed her the barrel of my Justifier and turned her in to another statistic.

At this point it occured to me to have a better look around. There were banks and hills surrounding the rig and on top of those hills where the uber guys lined up. They'd seen what I'd just done and swiftly dealt me the same justice.

I revived south west of the PVP zone and decided to head back in. A couple of TP jumps later and I was there - why did I never try that before? I had a better look around this time, carefully avoiding the Atrox Alpha that was stalking around near the ubers. I saw a couple of society members in the distance, but before I could reach them I was once again dead.

After reviving again I decided to head home. I started teleport jumping west in the direction of Twin Peaks. On the way I discovered a creature I've only heard about before - the infamous Araneatrox spider. Fortunately it was chasing someone else and ran right past me:

Taking this as a lucky sign I jumped out of there and soon arrived back at Twin Peaks. That was enough fun for one day - so it was back to Sakura to sleep in my new apartment.

Back to hunting

After all the spending I've done recently I thought it was high time to get back to trying to earn money (emphasis on the trying!). So yesterday I grabbed my Breer M2a and headed back to an old hunting ground south of Chimera Canyons. Looted started off not being great but as the hunt progressed it got better and better. Then I got a 35ish PED loot:

I kept pushing on and the loots were rolling in. By the end of the hunt I'd made a 90 PED profit, which was a personal record. That paid for more than a third of my apartment. In retrospect I should have kept on going, but I had other things to do.

Today was society hunt day. As is becoming all too common it turned in to a disappointment. Only three of us showed up, and I was the only one tooled up to go hunting. I'm proposing a day change to try and get more hunters along, but if this sort of thing continues I'll have to seriously evaluate how long I stay with EuTropians for.

Later in the day I met up with Bullet and we went to do a proper hunt. I was slightly under-equiped for the job - I need to think about getting better armor - but it was still good fun. This showed me how things should be, and gave me some encouragment that our society can do better. Here's a picture of Bullet getting in to the hunting spirit:

This time I made a small loss, but it was worth it. Hopefully we'll do it again sometime soon.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Spend, Spend, Spend...

I had a few PED spare after Christmas so I thought I'd do a bit of shopping. I started out by doing something about my bald head. I could get a hair style, but I actually quite like having no hair! Instead I opted for getting a hat.

The journey began to find a good store to purchase from. I'd checked out the auctions, but nothing on there really appealed to me. The shop locating process was made easier by the three new shopping malls that opened on Calypso just before Christmas. After a lot of running around I decided that the Twin Peaks mall was by far the best in terms of layout and store quality - well done Neomaven!

In the end I chose to buy from Freyr's shop. He has a good selection of stuff and had the perfect hat for me. So here's a picture of me donning my new Rancher Hat. The colour is great, don't you think? :-)

But I still had one more thing to look at: apartments. I did a fair amount of research in to this and came up with the following requirements list:

  • Must be cheap (so not Bilton Towers!)
  • Must be very near a teleporter
  • Must be near facilities such as auctions, terminals, and storage

There were plenty of places on Amethera that fitted this bill, but I finally settled on Sakura City. The only downside to Sakura is its distance from New Oxford (the teleporter people initially have on Amethera), but maybe that's not a bad thing ;-)

The other choice was Genesis Amethera, but the service center there is just too much of a trek from the teleporter.

With all that in mind I started looking at apartment sizes. There were no large apartments left - I guess resellers got those, since they're mostly empty. The difference between a medium and small in size wasn't much, but the price difference was. So I ended up with small apartment in the Sachi Condos. The location is perfect, so I'm very pleased with this purchase.

As you can see, though, I still need to sort out some furniture and lighting. But I'll need to go and earn some more PEDs first ;-)